In the previous post, Rai dah share satu resepi,sekarang giliran saya pulak utk kongsi something^_^
Let's see..i guess most people know what Harry Potter is all about..right?well..wizardry..magic..and stuffs..I was a big fan of Harry Potter back then (am I not now?hmm..).reading those books non-stop,even sometimes skipping meals,sleeping late..coz they're addictive..yup..tak percaya?baca la sendiri..hohoho...I learnt quite a lot from Harry Potter..friendship,a strong and undividible one..loyalty..bravery..and the importance of being can be intelligent,but not's harder to be wise~
Next up...A Series of Unfortunate Events...
Moving on to...Girls of Riyadh,Nodody's Princess and Ways To Live Forever...
Girls of Riyadh..this book is really interesting..I think i need to read this book again..after reading it..i feel GLAD and THANKFUL that i live in Malaysia..i can be a more free Muslim girl here compared to those Saudi girls in the in a good way,ok..
Nobody's Princess..basically it's about a girl or more specifically a princess,who yearns for something different..for freedom..she's not the typical princess..she's a cool one..yeah..more like a tough gal la..hehe..and i do tend to like cool and tough girl better :D
Ways To Live Forever..i freaking LOVE this one!!so innocent..ape lagi...for a lack of better words,it's a tear-jerker gak la..but the real tear-jerker for me is The Kite Runner T_T..the boy,Sam has leukaemia and he wants to know about dying despite the fact that he IS is short,live it to the fullest and of course,in the right way...
Maafla ye..semua buku kat sini English je..kena tnggu Rai la ek utk BM punya...hehe..kalau Rai nak buat jugak la...
and yeah..this is just the first part..more is coming^^
to be continued....
7 lighted candles:
aina..we're like completing each other ek....u more to english n i more to malay...heheh...;p
aina,amboiii..nak menunjuk siri buku2 awk ke? x jeles pun..*muke bongkak* hihi..aina ..aina.."kite-runner" lagi?! tak abis2 ngan buku tu..awak tau,lepas sy bc ur words pasal "kite-runner" tu,trus sy trnampak word 'life' yg 2nd line tu as "liwat"..yess..dat word! ahaha macamanela blh jadi mcm tu?i'm going to blame dat on u,aina..
rai,br perasan ke?sy memg da agak ms dga korg nk wat blog...rai! cpat! apelagi? show ur ramlee awg mrsyinye lak...jgn bg sy tgu lame2..
jap,aina,stj ngan ur pndpat pasal,intelligent is not de same as being wise..nape?nak kate awak mnat dumbledore la ni ye? me too!!
testin testin
kawan2ku.."lala" di ats adelah de same person as me..haha.. da x pelu bkak google account lg..(x selesai2 lg masalah teknikal tu) sy da tau carenye..
skrang rai,awak boleh berpuas hati..
inilah saat kewujudan scr rasmi sy..
hahaha!Girls of Riyadh tak best :p Ways to live Forever - sedey gile.
btw Kfairy tgh pk nk bli Diary of Wimpy Kid.super farnee!
buntat:=___= aish budak ni..mmg la ade liwat dlm kite runner tu,tp that's not the main part or sumthing! is actually...huhu..kalo awk ade come across Kite Runner tu,bace la ye..tear-jerker seyh...
K.fairy:yada!!u r here!hehe...emm..diary of wimpy kid?mcm penah dgr...bile nk blk sini?..bole gi amcorp mall same2..^^
insyallah end of the month kot.waa diary of a wimpy kid to sgt best!gi la tgk, lately mcm quite famous :D
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