Assalammulaikum w.b.t
Here goes my's been a while ey..
Dah seminggu bertapa di rumah coz it's been a week since sem break started. and i've spent my first week of sem break dgn pulun baca novel2 Hlovate :P All the novels are good tapi ade 1 buku dia ni which made me reminiscing my school days..i'm talking about "Tunas"..dunno yg tu novel dia yg ke berape..hehe..
Reading through the book..teringat zaman2 sekolah menengah dulu..especially time form 4,form 5 coz the book tells about the life of budak2 form 4 and form 5 kat sekolah asrama. and i can say that i learn a few things pasal life budak2 asrama coz i've never been to any boarding school..neither do any of my siblings. Semua adik-beradik sekolah harian jek ^_^ Cam seronok jek duk asrama kalo ikutkan citer dalam buku tu. Go through thick and thin dgn kawan2 etc. Prep la segala bagai.. (I have a confession to make: kat skola Maahad dulu mmg budak2 asrama mesti setel sume homework..budak2 luar ni yg slalu terkulat2 tak siap homework,termasuk la diri sendiri ni.hehe)
Another thought that came to me while reading the book was..kalo la bole patah balik masa..nak experience balik zaman sekolah tu coz i felt that i can do better or..more like i should have done better..untuk pelajaran,dengan kawan2..dengan cikgu2..i felt like i should have make more friends, engage more with people especially my teachers, do more co-cu activities (lol) and be (?) *Sigh* ni la manusia ek..ungrateful and always filled with regrets.meh~ Well, honestly, i think i'm a different person compared to masa zaman prasan ni?hohoho..
But, all in school days especially during upper form were not that bad..though not nearly as exciting and colourful as depicted in the Hlovate's novel -shrug- At least ade la experience masuk pertandingan roket air, kuiz sejarah, kuiz wassalam la :P sounds nerd much?well..i AM a nerd la jap..ade je ape join kawad and,takdela nerd mane ek? eheh.
Whatever it is..memang rindu sangat zaman sekolah lepas bace Tunas tu..but,we have to cherish the present,right? Do the best you can at the moment so that you won't have regrets when you reminisce this moment later..Nanti da keje teringat zaman kat uni pulak.haha~Besides, a lot of people said that the best part in life slalunye jadik time kat uni..hmm..depends pada orang jugak kot.
P/s: Baru je lepas chat dgn kawan sekolah..dapat jugak lepas rindu~ :)
Permata ‘Akal Budi’ yang Hilang
1 day ago
6 lighted candles:
hlovate pnye novel mmg best..:)
the only malay novels that i read..hehe
aah kan Aina?
Akak pun bila baca balik novel Tunas tu rasa mcm nak pegi balik zaman sekolah. Nak try duduk asrama mcm mana.
Strive more for academics and co-curricular, make new friends, semuanya la!
But of course, tu masa dulu2.
Now what I can do it to cherish the present, do my best in everything, make new friends! :D
Kak sarahhhhh!!!-big high five-
kak sarah pun bace buku2 hlovate ye rupanya..hak3
serius rindu sgt2 zaman sekolah bila baca buku tu..xpela,da kena terima hakikat diri sendiri da dewasa da (ek eh..haha)
Of course! Semua buku dia akak dah baca. Hehe.
Tunas tu memang favourite. Dah baca 4-5 kali. Tapi part Mags7 tu mcm tak best sgt. Suka baca pasal Addin and the gang. :(
yayy!!ada geng minat buku2 hlovate jugak!
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